Bluetooth Driver Installer (蓝牙驱动) 会尝试帮你安装微软的蓝牙驱动,易于使用的应用程序将尝试安装用于蓝牙适配器通用微软的驱动程序,以帮助您的工作、生活需要。
9.18.0907 最新版查看
4.93-3 官方版查看
1.0 官方版查看
Bluetooth Driver Installer (蓝牙驱动) 英文简介:
Get Bluetooth to work with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. This small and easy-to-use application will attempt to install the generic Microsoft drivers for your bluetooth adapter.
Before making changes to your system the program automatically creates a restore point. If anything goes wrong you can use Windows System Restore feature to revert all changes made to your computer
Bluetooth Driver Installer (蓝牙驱动) 更新日志:
1. 优化的脚步从未停止!
2. 更多小惊喜等你来发现~